Pictures of and information about Nichiren Mandala Gohonzons.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Kito Honzon 祈祷本尊 Nichiren Shonin Gohonzon Catalogue # 037

  • [Mandala] Number {番号}: 037
  • Era & Year {年}: Kenji Era { 建治} Second (2) Year {2年} [1276]
  • Month; Moon {月}: four (4) [April ]
  • Day {日}: Not Given
  • Nichiren's Laudatory Inscription {讃文}: 仏滅後二千二百二十余年之間一閻浮提之内未曽有大漫荼羅也
  • Conferral; Recipient: Dai {} Nippon {日本} Nation {} Shamon {沙門} Nissho {日照} conferred this{} Conferred upon Shramana Nissho of the Great Nation of Japan.
  • Kept at; Housed at; Possession {所蔵}: Shizuoka Prefecture {静岡県} Tamazawa {玉沢} Myohokkeji {妙法華寺}
  • Nickname/Popular Name: {通称}: Kito [Prayer] {祈祷} Honzon {本尊 }
  • Sheets {紙数}: 8 papers
  • Height {丈}: 133.4 cm / 52.5 inches
  • Width {幅}: 98.5 cm / 38.78 inches
  • Area {面積}: 13139.9 cm

Side phrase on the upper right side {left facing}: "This sutra provides good medicine for the ills of the people of Jambudvipa. If a person who has an illness is able to hear this sutra, then his illness will be wiped out and he will know neither old age or death." That is from the Yakuo [Medicine King] Chapter. #23, of the LS. {Watson translation}

I shall be adding more content to this entry.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Enlightenment of Women Honzon

Mandala 009

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
  • [Mandala] Number {番号}: 009
  • Era & Year {年}: Bun'ei Era {文永} Year Unknown
  • Month; Moon {月}: Unknown
  • Day; Sun {日}: Unknown
  • Nichiren's Laudatory Inscription {讃文}: None
  • Conferral; Recipient {授与書}: None
  • Kept at, Housed at, Possession {所蔵}: Niigata Prefecture {新潟県} Sado {佐渡} Myosenji {妙宣寺}
  • Nickname/Popular Name {通称}:Women {女人} Nirvana {成仏} Honzon {本尊}
  • Sheets {紙数}: 18 sheets {18紙}
  • Height {丈}: 157 cm/62 inches
  • Width {幅}: 103 cm/40.5 inches
  • Area {面積}: 16,171 cm

My Comments:
Sado Myosenji is located at Abutsubo, Mano Town, Sado City. The temple also houses the mandalas numbered 003b and 012. This might be the mandala issued to the lay nun Sennichi, the wife of Abutsubo, and mentioned in On Offering Prayers to the Mandala of the Mystic Law .

Links: asahi/gojyaku/sado/myousenji ... tencoo/jinja/xmyosen ... .. . ... ...